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Affiliate Information Children's Chess club
Contact NameJorge Trevino
General InfoThere are more adventures on a chessboard than in all the seas of the world!
Affiliate ID786
  This affiliate does not permit online signups
Tournaments Click here to see a list of our tournaments and events.   For recent Quad results, click here.
Affiliate Roster
See bottom of page to learn what you can do here.     Currently displayed:  Rated & Provisional Players, Adult & Scholastic Players
========================== C X R    R a t i n g s ========================
Player ID Name Status Title
Official Unofficial Peak White Black Uphill Downhill Speed Quick Regulation
untimed Member
11221-K Keith Biteng R,S0 965 965 965 936 943 919 921 938 regularUpgrade
11217-V Samuel Castillo R,S0 796 796 813 779 796 813 777 777 regularUpgrade
11218-Y Julian Fragoso R,S0 651 651 686 654 649 686 654 637 regularUpgrade
11220-M Joaquin Calvillo R,S0 519 519 519 502 463 463 429 483 regularUpgrade
11219-P Peter F Watt R,S0 420 420 437 435 413 430 400 410 regularUpgrade
11166-H Gabriela Alvarez R,S0 829 829 837 regularUpgrade
11167-K Tzuriel Alvarez R,S0 438 438 438 regularUpgrade
11168-P Ana L Calvillo P,S0 359 359 regularUpgrade
11169-H Ariel Lio P,S0 333 333 regularUpgrade
11170-G Jose Cruz P,S0 297 297 regularUpgrade
11171-Q Benjamin Deleon P,S0 287 287 regularUpgrade
11172-W Emanuel Contreras P,S0 348 348 regularUpgrade
11173-C Braulio Delagarza P,S0 311 311 regularUpgrade
11174-X Joaquin Rosas P,S0 278 278 regularUpgrade
11175-T Alex Garcia P,S0 296 296 regularUpgrade
11177-D Aiden Morales P,S0 231 231 regularUpgrade
11178-H Ramses Nadim P,S0 376 376 regularUpgrade
11179-N Valeria Quintero P,S0 223 223 regularUpgrade
11180-P Gabriel Ibarra P,S0 219 219 regularUpgrade
11181-T Layla Rodriguez P,S0 269 269 regularUpgrade
========================== C X R    R a t i n g s ========================
Player ID Name Status Title
Official Unofficial Peak White Black Uphill Downhill Speed Quick Regulation
untimed Member
11182-D Aaron Garcia P,S0 379 379 regularUpgrade
11184-W Diego Posada P,S0 274 274 regularUpgrade
11185-K Jaden Yang P,S0 568 568 regularUpgrade
11187-A Pedro Ibarra P,S0 404 404 regularUpgrade
11188-M Maria R Renteria P,S0 242 242 regularUpgrade
11189-K Luis A Mendoza P,S0 338 338 regularUpgrade
11190-H Horus J Ruiz P,S0 334 334 regularUpgrade
11191-M Selena Rivera P,S0 248 248 regularUpgrade
11192-E David S Garza R,S0 978 978 978 regularUpgrade
11193-N Diego A Medina R,S0 950 950 950 regularUpgrade
11194-B Isaiah E Rivera R,S0 829 829 829 regularUpgrade
11195-V Pigar Biteng R,S0 677 677 688 regularUpgrade
11196-C Liberty A Medina R,S0 547 547 547 regularUpgrade
11197-Q Angel Diaz R,S0 536 536 536 regularUpgrade
11198-W Lazaro Calvillo R,S0 128 128 128 regularUpgrade
11199-M Edmond Nolastname P,S0 434 434 regularUpgrade
11200-F Kevin Vargas-Briones P,S0 444 444 regularUpgrade
11201-V Alfredo Benavides P,S0 387 387 regularUpgrade
11202-C Eduardo Maldonado P,S0 450 450 regularUpgrade
11203-F Andrik Mora P,S0 680 680 regularUpgrade
========================== C X R    R a t i n g s ========================
Player ID Name Status Title
Official Unofficial Peak White Black Uphill Downhill Speed Quick Regulation
untimed Member
11204-X Edmundo De-Los-reyes P,S0 618 618 regularUpgrade
11205-T Cesar Mascorro P,S0 545 545 regularUpgrade
11206-V Diego Garcia P,S0 571 571 regularUpgrade
11207-X Eduardo Ozuna P,S0 414 414 regularUpgrade
11208-F Abram Rubio P,S0 498 498 regularUpgrade
11209-R Cici Glasscock P,S0 411 411 regularUpgrade
11210-N Joaquin Garza-Gongora P,S0 413 413 regularUpgrade
11211-C Ivan Ortiz P,S0 432 432 regularUpgrade
11212-R Emilio Gonzalez P,S0 674 674 regularUpgrade
11213-A Ariana Guerrero P,S0 347 347 regularUpgrade
11214-J Marcelo Morga P,S0 559 559 regularUpgrade
11215-W Diego Silva P,S0 659 659 regularUpgrade
11222-Y Gus Cruz P,S0 819 819 regularUpgrade
11223-R Kadee Watt P,S0 565 565 regularUpgrade
11224-K Isaac Martinez P,S0 531 531 regularUpgrade
11176-J Emilio Barbosa P,S0 300 300 regularUpgrade
11183-T Debanhi Longoria P,S0 300 300 regularUpgrade
11186-A Ivanna Longoria P,S0 300 300 regularUpgrade
11216-C Noemi Trevino R,S0 1172 1172 1172 1172 1170 1172 1172 regularUpgrade

Number of players displayed: 59.
Player IDs of players imported to this affiliate are shown with a trailing plus sign + .
Status:1st letter is R=Rated, P=Provisional..
2nd letter is A=Adult, S=Scholastic.
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