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Affiliate Information Kingston Chess Club
Contact NameChris Pace
General InfoThe Kingston Chess Club is located in the picturesque City of Kingston, Ontario, Canada on the north shore of Lake Ontario at the head of the St. Lawrence River. Toronto is 260 km to the west, Montreal is 290 km to the east and Ottawa is 175 km to the northeast.
Affiliate ID739
  This affiliate does not permit online signups
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Affiliate Roster
See bottom of page to learn what you can do here.     Currently displayed:  Rated & Provisional Players, Adult & Scholastic Players
========================== C X R    R a t i n g s ========================
Player ID Name Status Title
Official Unofficial Peak White Black Uphill Downhill Speed Quick Regulation
untimed Seasonal Member
19631-R Christopher Pace R,A 15 2287 2287 2287 2223 2288 2252 2258 2254 2248 2282 22541599regularUpgrade
11060-B Tony Bao R,A 3 2101 2101 2128 2147 2065 2128 2102 2101 1200regularUpgrade
18349-W Curtis Peterson R,A 2 2015 2015 2132 2042 2079 2100 2019 2015 1200regularUpgrade
12492-A Peter Sibbald R,A 13 2016 2016 2121 2022 2035 2036 2035 2023 1200regularUpgrade
15571-C Jake VanRooy R,A 13 2022 2022 2022 1984 1934 1838 2004 1988 1994 1440regularUpgrade
12493-H Wayne Coppin R,A 13 1885 1885 2000 1872 1954 1996 1856 1881 1200regularUpgrade
12506-E Jay Serdula R,A 10 1788 1788 1865 1837 1759 1840 1754 1786 1295regularUpgrade
14595-E Azroy Kandan R,A 13 1877 1877 2000 1808 1873 1805 1832 1853 1883 1361regularUpgrade
14608-B Peter Green R,A0 1704 1704 1774 1784 1699 1760 1719 1712 1200regularUpgrade
12527-W Astrit Hyseni R,A 3 1780 1780 1829 1779 1785 1747 1818 1802 1781 1200regularUpgrade
15572-K Pavel Graymason R,A 2 1780 1780 1780 1772 1777 1759 1769 1782 1200regularUpgrade
19629-V Raymond Dickson R,A 3 1666 1666 1742 1708 1604 1626 1663 1669 1716 1626 16691353regularUpgrade
18345-W Ted Hsu R,A 3 1851 1851 1851 1698 1731 1659 1679 1843 1401regularUpgrade
11062-R Frank Dixon R,A 12 1676 1676 1932 1674 1746 1745 1802 1757 1654 1289regularUpgrade
14605-W Brian Macdonald R,A0 1630 1630 1661 1674 1614 1655 1637 1630 1200regularUpgrade
12496-B Jayson Huang R,S 8 1705 1705 1737 1652 1589 1602 1581 1696 1200regularUpgrade
12500-K Jim Cairns R,A0 1619 1619 1635 1640 1612 1610 1638 1619 1200regularUpgrade
15264-V Steven Carter R,A0 1518 1518 1613 1635 1507 1609 1579 1520 1164regularUpgrade
21065-K Nicolas Garcia R,A 2 1591 1591 1591 1610 1495 1500 1488 1590 1311regularUpgrade
19632-A Brian Phillips R,A 3 1553 1553 1712 1609 1587 1657 1554 1656 1631 1566 16561200regularUpgrade
========================== C X R    R a t i n g s ========================
Player ID Name Status Title
Official Unofficial Peak White Black Uphill Downhill Speed Quick Regulation
untimed Seasonal Member
14676-Q Sid Anjilvel R,A 12 1540 1540 1771 1605 1515 1589 1528 1661 1540 1216regularUpgrade
14597-B Goran Bibic R,A0 1568 1568 1575 1574 1563 1556 1563 1575 1200regularUpgrade
12494-Y Dave Gordon R,A 12 1471 1471 1865 1542 1526 1650 1428 1744 1478 1221regularUpgrade
12499-P Brian Murray R,A 3 1430 1430 1596 1509 1454 1458 1545 1428 1200regularUpgrade
12505-M Harry Jordan R,A 9 1460 1460 1720 1494 1538 1568 1521 1525 1470 1200regularUpgrade
15265-J Arman Azroy R,S 11 1660 1660 1684 1492 1615 1501 1394 1363 1642 1200regularUpgrade
15517-P Alex Chan R,S 4 1411 1411 1449 1482 1244 1336 1341 1336 1392 1200regularUpgrade
17967-H Raf Deleon R,A 3 1466 1466 1534 1469 1432 1460 1462 1433 1471 1214regularUpgrade
15593-B Richard Marais R,A0 1452 1452 1452 1455 1430 1430 1453 1200regularUpgrade
15514-Q Jeff Mann R,A 3 1427 1427 1461 1450 1417 1446 1445 1427 1200regularUpgrade
21067-C Max Manga R,A0 1468 1468 1555 1449 1559 1550 1514 1467 1149regularUpgrade
19630-K Mark Figge R,A0 1387 1387 1496 1441 1433 1513 1405 1496 1496 1391 14961200regularUpgrade
15842-T Steve Hughes R,A 9 1405 1405 1475 1403 1355 1280 1318 1160 1401 1200regularUpgrade
12503-R Christopher Adams R,S0 1429 1429 1440 1398 1428 1392 1426 1429 1200regularUpgrade
20367-D Jimmy Lee R,A0 1306 1306 1327 1397 1309 1343 1316 1316 1316 1332 13161199regularUpgrade
11097-H Sudhir Pokhrel R,A 3 1431 1431 1486 1390 1452 1457 1372 1433 1200regularUpgrade
14601-J Lorenz Paulsen R,A 6 1400 1400 1548 1385 1411 1342 1469 1470 1408 1154regularUpgrade
14600-V Alexander Reid R,A 3 1309 1309 1389 1367 1257 1259 1339 1307 1200regularUpgrade
15841-H Sean George R,A 3 1393 1393 1408 1360 1420 1361 1389 1395 1200regularUpgrade
12528-Q David Chan R,S 6 1484 1484 1552 1357 1426 1401 1320 1543 1456 1200regularUpgrade
========================== C X R    R a t i n g s ========================
Player ID Name Status Title
Official Unofficial Peak White Black Uphill Downhill Speed Quick Regulation
untimed Seasonal Member
12507-Q Chris Hargreaves R,A 3 1314 1314 1454 1344 1369 1457 1349 1349 1346 1200regularUpgrade
12504-T John Lukezich R,A 9 1394 1394 1576 1342 1425 1427 1356 1371 1385 1149regularUpgrade
16245-G Alexis Thomson R,A 6 1335 1335 1369 1326 1332 1344 1323 1326 1340 1200regularUpgrade
18346-P Joshua Vollebregt R,A 3 1438 1438 1438 1324 1364 1356 1242 1441 1247regularUpgrade
14678-C Huxley Anjilvel R,S 9 1311 1311 1311 1313 1181 1227 1231 1085 1311 1200regularUpgrade
14599-H Brennan Bibic R,S 3 1327 1327 1361 1310 1357 1349 1376 1309 1200regularUpgrade
18348-P Noah Pedersen R,A 3 1281 1281 1345 1310 1229 1324 1294 1279 1123regularUpgrade
20147-G Jeremy Sztuka P,A0 1371 1371 1292 1373 1292 1292 1292 1292 1292 12921200regularUpgrade
19633-J Ben Beardall R,A 3 1334 1334 1334 1279 1189 1228 1170 1156 1163 1313 11561200regularUpgrade
18347-J Owen Murphy R,A 2 1302 1302 1319 1263 1303 1298 1277 1303 1200regularUpgrade
12502-G Bobby Mao R,S0 1275 1275 1275 1261 1259 1211 1244 1275 1200regularUpgrade
16244-H Francois Chan R,A 7 1240 1240 1244 1246 1156 1199 1187 1109 1241 1200regularUpgrade
11063-R Michael Assuras R,A0 1182 1182 1248 1242 1188 1243 1201 1183 1200regularUpgrade
18343-Q Edward Li R,A 3 1140 1140 1333 1239 1188 1239 1216 1147 1200regularUpgrade
15983-N Ian Birch R,A 7 1503 1503 1503 1237 1453 1201 1261 977 1499 1300regularUpgrade
16885-H Tom Jacques R,A0 1233 1233 1284 1230 1279 1265 1261 1234 1200regularUpgrade
15857-B A Beamish R,S0 1212 1212 1212 1219 1185 1131 1168 1208 1187 1200regularUpgrade
12501-T Nicholas Adams R,S0 1175 1175 1217 1203 1184 1217 1222 1175 1200regularUpgrade
19635-A Scott Gryspeerdt P,A0 1128 1128 1198 1198 1198 1198 1198 1198 11981200regularUpgrade
20369-N Aaron Prince P,A0 1169 1169 1198 1169 1198 1198 1198 1198 1198 11981157regularUpgrade
========================== C X R    R a t i n g s ========================
Player ID Name Status Title
Official Unofficial Peak White Black Uphill Downhill Speed Quick Regulation
untimed Seasonal Member
15691-K David Greenland R,A 3 1216 1216 1294 1198 1304 1287 1299 1237 1204 1200regularUpgrade
19636-X Peter Wadeck R,A 3 1318 1318 1350 1198 1256 1218 1235 1238 1242 1237 12381200regularUpgrade
12498-A Michael Adams R,S0 1205 1205 1205 1185 1226 1154 1210 1205 1200regularUpgrade
14607-V Yazan Qasrawi R,A0 1109 1109 1141 1174 1075 1094 1119 1108 1200regularUpgrade
19634-T Morelli Aziz R,A0 1060 1060 1076 1173 1170 1196 1196 1196 1196 1175 11961200regularUpgrade
19637-M Eric Mcelwain R,A0 1112 1112 1129 1166 1177 1198 1198 1198 1198 1178 11981200regularUpgrade
20163-N Kevin Peacock P,A0 1162 1162 1162 1198 1198 1198 1198 1198 1198 11981158regularUpgrade
21066-N Patrick Gallagher R,A0 1158 1158 1214 1162 1177 1185 1179 1159 1101regularUpgrade
20368-N Simon Siju P,A0 1160 1160 1160 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 11931158regularUpgrade
15843-X Kevin Macdonald R,A 3 1267 1267 1269 1143 1199 1158 1046 1180 1196 1200regularUpgrade
15573-H Mohammed Alouzi R,A0 1106 1106 1241 1140 1184 1158 1228 1119 1200regularUpgrade
21064-N Nathaniel Morin R,A0 1107 1107 1135 1138 1107 1135 1076 1106 1143regularUpgrade
14603-P Arun Parmar R,S 3 1150 1150 1193 1112 1158 1127 1130 1149 1200regularUpgrade
14598-E Kaley Bibic R,S0 1105 1105 1105 1105 1087 1088 1087 1105 1200regularUpgrade
12497-C William Florence R,A 3 1074 1074 1094 1102 1044 1037 1078 1065 1200regularUpgrade
14596-W Ismail Benchekroun R,S 3 1008 1008 1161 1093 1059 1140 1119 1007 1200regularUpgrade
17970-B R-J Deleon R,A 3 1109 1109 1311 1061 1238 1176 1121 1229 1119 945regularUpgrade
14606-E Sam Pierson R,S0 987 987 1028 1038 936 1027 979 966 1200regularUpgrade
16246-R Devin Graham-Ancsin R,A 8 939 939 1026 987 914 884 913 830 973 951regularUpgrade
12495-G Roman Polywkan R,A 9 987 987 1414 987 996 974 1199 1213 984 933regularUpgrade
========================== C X R    R a t i n g s ========================
Player ID Name Status Title
Official Unofficial Peak White Black Uphill Downhill Speed Quick Regulation
untimed Seasonal Member
16720-G Jordan Greer R,A0 924 924 986 974 929 986 986 930 1200regularUpgrade
14609-X Otman Benchekroun R,S0 936 936 1029 963 955 941 1018 915 1200regularUpgrade
14602-V Stephen Laughren R,A 4 878 878 1216 936 883 892 949 949 949 878 9491200
16888-J Will Wright R,A0 849 849 939 918 840 930 932 843 1200regularUpgrade
16722-J Euan Hughes R,A0 924 924 928 917 901 835 916 922 1200regularUpgrade
15516-A Nikolas Kotsovolos R,S 3 925 925 1038 893 910 910 946 870 1200regularUpgrade
16887-G Rowan Wright R,A0 838 838 874 831 855 850 862 833 1200regularUpgrade
14604-F Alexander Cann R,S0 910 910 916 829 747 879 700 862 1200regularUpgrade
8727-N+ J Pool R,S 4 942 942 942 655 656 581 548 940 7001200regularUpgrade
15515-R Demitrios Kotsovolos P,A0 972 972 1200regularUpgrade
17969-D Jay Niu P,A0 1235 1235 1200regularUpgrade
17966-X Ghamr Saeed P,A0 1221 1221 1200regularUpgrade
15840-E Zoe Spronk P,S0 900 900 1200regularUpgrade
18344-T Francisco Delaparra R,A0 1195 1195 1209 1195 1196 1209 1195 1200regularUpgrade
16721-F James Greer R,A0 894 894 919 896 917 919 893 1200regularUpgrade
16886-M Rick Landry R,A0 910 910 910 908 908 908 909 1200regularUpgrade
12926-Q Benjamin Yang R,A0 1635 1635 1635 1200regularUpgrade
11098-Q James Bews P,A0 998 998 1200regularUpgrade
17968-F Jamal Saeed P,A0 1163 1163 1200regularUpgrade
16126-J James Vowles P,A0 980 980 1200regularUpgrade

Number of players displayed: 100.
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Status:1st letter is R=Rated, P=Provisional..
2nd letter is A=Adult, S=Scholastic.
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